Texas Tech University

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Texas Tech University

Links to Carillon Inventories
GCNA Tower Bells Bok Tower Gardens

Ruth Baird Larabee requested in her will that part of her estate be used to purchase and install a carillon in memory of her parents, Charles M. Baird and Georgia Robertson Baird.  He had donated a carillon to the University of Michigan in 1936. 

The Charles and Georgia Robertson Baird Memorial Carillon has 12 bells cast by Whitechapel for vanBergen and another 24 cast by Les Fils de Georges Paccard.  The bells were installed in 1976 and first played by Judson Maynard. 

Nine Meeks, Watson bells were added in 2005 while two of the Paccard bells were removed.

1969 Ruth B. Larabee (28 Feb 1904 - 26 Dec 1969) grave

1976 "Bells Ring At Texas Tech With Bequest of Carillon," Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, May 9, 1976, Page 7.

1976 "Texas Tech Carillon Installed By vanBergen Bellfoundries," The Index-Journal, May 10, 1976, Page 8.

1985 "The Baird Memorial Carillon at Texas Tech University," by Judson Maynard, Bulletin of the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America 34:19-21 (1985)

2006 "Texas Tech Carillon Renovation Dedication," by A. J. Anderton, Carillon News 75:12 (April 2006)

2013 The Charles and Georgia Robertson Baird Memorial Carillon at Texas Tech University   

Baird Memorial Carillon 

© 2023 Morris A. Pierce