Penn State Behrend

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Penn State Behrend

Links to Carillon Inventories
GCNA Tower Bells Bok Tower Gardens

The bell tower and carillon are the gift of the late Floyd and Juanita Smith, parents of Larry Smith. On one of Floyd Smith’s visits to Penn State Behrend, he asked Provost and Dean John Lilley where to find the bell tower. When John replied that Penn State ​Behrend didn’t have one, Floyd remarked, “Every University needs a bell tower!” At the time of his death in 1989, Floyd designated funds that were later used to build the bell tower and carillon.

The 48-bell carillon includes four Whitechapel bells and 44 Meeks, Watson bells.  The carillon was dedicated during the alumni reunion on June 15, 2002.

1989 Floyd Edward Smith (10 Oct 1914 - 28 Dec 1989) grave

2002 "Behrend to dedicate carillon as part of Alumni Reunion," Erie Times-News,  May 31, 2002
The 48 bells of the new Floyd and Juanita Smith Carillon will ring for the first time June 15, for a dedicatory recital during the

Behrend Marks 20th Anniversary of the Smith Carillon with Classes for the Community (Youtube video)

© 2023 Morris A. Pierce